Meeting title
Observational Data to Information and Virtual Research Environment Interest Groups (Remote Access Instructions)
Collaborative session notes:
Meeting Location: Commonwealth C
Meeting objectives
* Build on the preliminary discussions done at the P13 Joint Session
* Identify use cases and communities that perform this process in VREs
* Define concrete joint activities
Meeting agenda
* Brief introductions to OD2I IG and VRE IG (Jay Pearlman and Sandra Gesing, 10 min)
* How research data evolve to scientific information and the role of VREs (Keith Jeffery, 5 min)
* Invited lightning talks (30 min)
* Panel discussion: What do the presented cases have in common? (lightning talk speakers, moderated by Sandra Gesing, 30 min)
* Discuss and define joint activities for the two IGs, next steps and conclusions (OD2I and VRE chairs, 15 min)
Short description
From Observational Data to Information (OD2I) IG explores data, information, and knowledge in research infrastructures. Key issues are the distinction between data and information, in particular observations and derivative information; the processes that evolve observational data into information, i.e. how data evolve to (are “cooked” to become) information along value chains involving data interpretation processes; as well as processes for acquiring and curating the derivative information back into research infrastructures as new assets that can be further exploited (published, processed, used, etc.).
VREs are synonymous with Science Gateways (SGs) in the USA and Virtual Laboratories (VLs) in Australia, and are increasingly being used to support a more dynamic approach to collaborative working across the internet. The goal of the IG is to create "building blocks" of common data infrastructures and building specific "data bridges" to enable online sharing and in situ processing of data. The VRE IG seeks to engage with those seeking to make use of these online technologies in an effort to identify the necessary technical aspects, social and community building practices, required skills, as well as governance issues and best practice required to support a more coordinated approach to the development of the collaborative environments that enable data sharing and in situ online processing.
Target Audience
The Communities of Practice working on/with observational data in Virtual Research Environments.
Additional links to informative material
* OD2I IG Charter:
* VRE IG Charter:
* Floridi (2011): The Philosophy of Information. Oxford University Press.
* Floridi (2010): Information—A Very Short Introduction. Oxford University Press.
* Zins (2007): Conceptual Approaches for Defining Data, Information, and Knowledge.
* Aamodt and Nygård (1995): Different roles and mutual dependencies of data, information, and knowledge—An AI perspective on their integration.
* Candela, Castelli, and Pagano (2013): Virtual Research Environments: An Overview and a Research Agenda.
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