As part of the RDA Europe 4 project (supporting RDA global), Trust-IT Services Ltd. (Trust-IT) will be redeveloping the RDA Global Website (, as outlined in the attached roadmap (revised version) developed by Trust-IT. The web platform is a crucial part of the RDA and is the main vehicle for communication. As the alliance grows, the web platform needs to evolve and meet the needs of the community, the groups, the stakeholders and the outside world.
The Web site aims to support the RDA Guiding Principles: Openness – Consensus – Balance – Community-driven – Non-profit, and more specifically:
- Be the main RDA information tool for communicating with members & the larger audience.
- Support the collaborative work and the exchange within the groups.
- Encourage information sharing, generate discussion and build consensus through the Requests for community review & comments.
- Facilitate adoption of the RDA Outputs by publishing the group results and promoting uptake, highlighting benefits and paths to adoption.
- Engage new community and organisational members and funders and strengthen synergies with relevant organisations and initiatives.
- Provide updates, news/events/newsletters and announcements.
- Bring practice, research, industry and policy closer together on a neutral platform.
The RDA Secretariat is convening an RDA Web focus group (WFG), which will be involved in the definition of the specifications and requirements of the new functionalities outlined in the Website roadmap.
This is the space for this focus group.
The web focus group is expected to be engaged in the design phase of each release, with the following specific tasks:
- Website roadmap kick-off: feedback and general consensus on the plan and comments on the evolution foreseen – June 2018
- Assessment and specifications, for each release:
- feedback on the technical implementations proposed
- feedback on the mock-ups presented
- testing of the key functionalities
- green-light to go-live
The Doodle poll for the first conference call of the focus group can be found here: