BoF P2 Education and skills development on Data Intensive Science

At the 2nd RDA meeting on 16-18 September 2013, Washington

Agenda and presentations

1. Agenda bashing
2. Round of introduction
3. Overview developments since 1st BoF in Gothenburg and Introduction to discussion (Yuri Demchenko, UvA)
3.1. NIST Big Data WG and Big Data Architecture definition by UvA
4. Presentations
4.1. Demystifying Big Data Science (Natasha Balac, SDSC)
4.2. Big Data in the Cloud: Research and Education (Geoffrey Fox, Indiana University Bloomington)
5. Discussion on further steps
5.1. Interest Group on Education and Training in Data Intensive Science and Technologies – Drafting charter
5.2. Plans for 3rd RDA Plenary (March 2014, Dublin, Ireland)
6. AOB