“The RDA vision is researchers and innovators openly sharing data across technologies, disciplines, and countries to address the grand challenges of society.”
Most of the RDA groups, the interest groups or the working groups, are focused on technical issues, even those linked to disciplinary fields such as wheat data, marine data or biodiversity are dealing with interoperability concerns : linked data, identifiers, metadata ….. And most of the RDA members are also IT specialists (computer science, librarians, data managers …). Sometimes this work looks like a “message in a bottle” : we don’t know who will read it … we don’t know how the data will be re-used …
We feel the needs to imply more scientists coming from different disciplines and especially from life sciences where the data sharing culture is emerging in the context of huge societal challenges (health, climate change, nutrition …). Their involvement is necessary to reach the RDA vision
That’s why we’d like to create an interest group on “data re-use” to give the opportunity to scientists to share their experiences, express their needs not in technical terms but from a user point of view.
The interest group could help to (to be discussed) :
- identify data re-use use cases and practices
- analyze those use cases : what works, what doesn't and why
- create a directory of "success stories" to communicate
- identify new technical problems to be addressed by the technical groups
- identify the benefits
- give a place to the scientist to express their needs
How :
- During the RDA plenaries with scientists testimonies
- Survey
- Interviews
Chairs :
- Inra www.inra.fr , Odile Hologne, Head of the department of scientific information
- Another co-chair should be found (totally open)
Output :
- A directory of success stories for RDA web site
- Recommendation
- A communication toolkit
- ….
We propose to present these ideas during a BoF session at RDA plenary 4 and if this first step is successful to write a charter for an interest group.