Re: RDA/WDS TRUST WG meeting actions

22 Jan 2024

Dear WG members,
Please see below a list of actions from last Thursday’s meeting.
* ACTION: Meredith to share draft of survey with TIGER
* ACTION: Ryan to forward invite to next meeting to invited speakers (William Kilbride, Karl Benedict) if necessary
* ACTION: Meredith to reach out to potential spokespeople on CARE principles
* ACTION: TIGER (Ari/Ryan) to start populating Landscape Awareness contacts list
* ACTION: TIGER to start survey promotion (RDA website news item, social media, etc.) when finalised
Please let me know if I have missed anything off this list. The agenda and notes from yesterday’s meeting are in the Rolling Meeting Notes document, and a recording of yesterday’s meeting is accessible here:
Passcode: WWE6k+3U
The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday 15 February 2024 at the usual time of 15:00 UTC.
All the best,
From: Ryan O'Connor <***@***.***>
Date: Friday, 22 December 2023 at 14:31
To: ***@***.***
Cc: ***@***.*** <***@***.***>, Lin, Dawei (NIH/NIAID) [E] <***@***.***>, Lindlar, Michelle <***@***.***>
Subject: Re: RDA/WDS TRUST WG meeting actions
Dear WG members,
Please see below the list of actions from yesterday’s monthly meeting.
* ACTION: TIGER (Ryan, Ari) to begin to populate of contacts list from Landscape Awareness initial draft presented at meeting;
* ACTION: TIGER (Ryan, Alexandra) to start drafting messages to contacts for dissemination of survey;
* ACTION: Ryan to send invite to RDA/WDS Certification of Digital Repositories IG members to join TRUST Principles WG;
* ACTION: All WG members to send any ideas for topics for RDA Plenary 22 meeting (taking place in May 2024) to co-chairs, for discussion at next WG meeting.
The agenda and notes from yesterday’s meeting are in the Rolling Meeting Notes document, and a recording of yesterday’s meeting is accessible here:
Passcode: 9%1a?iD#
The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday 18 January 2024 at the usual time of 15:00 UTC.
All the best,
Ryan O’Connor
Senior Facilitator, RDA TIGER
Research Data Alliance Association (Europe) AISBL
Skype: live:roconnor101 | ORCID:
Work days: Monday – Thursday. Please do not feel obliged to reply to this email outside your working hours.
From: Ryan O'Connor <***@***.***>
Date: Tuesday, 14 November 2023 at 10:32
To: ***@***.***
Cc: ***@***.*** <***@***.***>, Lin, Dawei (NIH/NIAID) [E] <***@***.***>, Lindlar, Michelle <***@***.***>
Subject: RDA/WDS TRUST WG meeting actions
Dear WG members,
Please see below a list of actions arising from the regular WG meeting last week. For future meetings I will circulate a list of actions on behalf of WG co-chairs so all members can keep up-to-date on what will be happening ahead of the next meeting.
* ACTION: Ryan to move WG meeting to 3rd Thursday of every month (at same time); circulate rolling notes+zoom+calendar link (next meeting at 21st Dec)
* ACTION: Dawei to reach out to DPC/William Kilbride to present DPC RAM at future WG meeting
* ACTION: Ryan/Alexandra Delipalta (TIGER Comms lead) to take lead with dissemination of survey when finalised.
* ACTION: Dawei to share with Ryan list of already endorsed organisations who may be interested in contributing to development of Case Studies; TIGER comms service to use this (and indicative responses from survey) to take lead in contacting organisations about contributing to Case Studies.
* ACTION: Ryan to contact TIGER Landscape service to begin work to identify other groups/initiatives to engage about this WG’s activity.
If there are any questions on the above please let me know. As indicted in the first action, I’ll be setting up the new time for the regular WG meetings later this week so you can expect the calendar invites in your inbox before the end of the week.
Ryan O’Connor
Senior Facilitator, RDA TIGER
Research Data Alliance Association (Europe) AISBL
Skype: live:roconnor101 | ORCID:
Work days: Monday – Thursday. Please do not feel obliged to reply to this email outside your working hours.