The research data insider: News from RDA-Norway: Why become an institutional member and update on the new web platform. Friday the 23rd of August at 9 am

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22 Aug 2024
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The research data insider sessions for autumn 2024 kicks off with: news from RDA-Norway: Why become an institutional member and update on the new web platform


Trine Pernille Klokkerud, RDA Norway coordinator and Sikt staff member will give an update on RDA in Norway. She will talk about membership in RDA Norway, current members and how to join, membership requirements and what benefits membership in RDA-no gives you and your institution. There will also be a short update on the status of the new RDA platform.


Host: Shea Allison Sundstøl, RDA-NO training and outreach group and Senior research librarian, USN.


Join from 9.00 CEST to 9.25 CEST. Find details on how to join on the event page:

RDA-NO training and outreach group


The global research data community produces extensive knowledge and expands the practice of data management and FAIR data sharing. Yet, it is challenging and time-consuming to stay up to date. In the research data insider, the training and outreach group in RDA-Norway invites speakers from the international research data community to talk about current issues and outputs.With this series the Norwegian RDA node wishes to create awareness, engagement and knowledge exchange regarding the many topics addressed and issues resolved through work in the global RDA community and other research data communities. 

Would you like to present output from research data work, or propose topics or themes, please contact the RDA-NO training and outreach group