

Deliverable content

Current form, location, and status

Next steps

Previous versions (most recent first)

Narrative outputs (at least a final report and peer-reviewed paper)

V1.0 Report, published on Zenodo

V1.0 Model Documentation, published on Zenodo

Martyr document V2, in progress

Adapt into publications on speaker series analysis and other secondary outputs not already published.

All speakers incorporated into Martyr doc (January 2024). 

Martyr document V1 (closed, view only)

Commons attribute model (D1 in Case Statement)

V1.0 community-facing spreadsheet, published on Zenodo


V1.0 Adoption Tool, commenting enabled (make a copy to edit!)

V1.0 Graph database, to start

Web-based RDF visualization, to start

Revise for later versions, adapt into an adoption tool.


Trialing as a graph database (May 2023)

V0.6 community-facing spreadsheet, closed (commenting enabled)

V0.6 internal model with notes (closed, view only)

V0.5 community-facing spreadsheet,  (closed, view only)

V0.5 internal model with notes (closed, view only)

Phase 1 evaluation draft model (closed, view only)

Phase 1 evaluation spreadsheet (closed, view only)

Attributes running list (closed, view only)

Non-redundant set of KPIs and success metrics currently utilized, planned or desired for existing commons (D1 in Case Statement)

V1.0 community-facing spreadsheet, published on Zenodo

V1.0 Adoption Tool, commenting enabled (make a copy to edit!)

Revise for later versions, adapt into an adoption tool.

V0.6 community-facing spreadsheet, closed (commenting enabled)

V0.6 internal model with notes,  (closed, view only)

V0.5 community-facing spreadsheet (closed, view only)

V0.5 internal model with notes (closed, view only)

Phase 1 evaluation draft model (closed, view only)

Phase 1 evaluation spreadsheet (closed, view only)

 KPIs running list (closed, view only)

Commons attribute model analysis of speaker series (D1 in Case Statement)

V0.6 community-facing spreadsheet, closed (commenting enabled)


Graph database, in progress

Adapting to V1.0, includes full refresh of online material about each speaker (January 2024).

V0.6 community-facing spreadsheet, closed (commenting enabled)

V0.5 internal model with notes (closed, view only)

Attributes running list (closed, view only)

KPIs running list (closed, view only)

Commons attribute model glossary and commons interoperability vocabulary

V1.0 community-facing spreadsheet, published on Zenodo

Test vocabulary on ARDC (source spreadsheet file, open for comments!)

Confirm machine-actionable vocabulary for V1.0 on ARDC, incorporate into RDA vocabulary when ready.

Revise for later versions, adapt into an adoption tool.

V0.6 internal model with notes, (closed, view only)

V0.5 community-facing spreadsheet,  (closed, view only)

V0.5 internal model with notes (closed, view only)

Phase 1 evaluation draft model (closed, view only)

 Phase 1 evaluation spreadsheet (closed, view only)

Sources crosswalk (what items in D1 were found in which sources)

Spreadsheet version in Attributes Running List, deprecated (closed, view only)


Pie chart representation, stable for phase 1 and open for feedback


Bubble Graph representation by source and by item, stable for phase 1 and open for feedback


Network Graph representation, only for Engagement, stable for phase 1 and open for feedback

Re-map to V1.0 and include new material from phase 2 review (May/June 2023). Extend Networks graphs to the whole model.


eInfra Resource Categories commons analysis

Spreadsheet version, not verified (commenting enabled)


Sunburst chart representationopen for feedback

All commons incorporated as of January 2024. To review with V1.0 speaker series analysis and verify with speakers (Janaury 2024).


Speaker Series commons types analysis

Explanation in Martyr Doc Appendix A.1, complete/ on hold


2D graph, complete/on hold and open for feedback


3D graph, complete/on hold and open for feedback

All commons incorporated as of September 2023. On hold.


Feedback, suggestions, and ideas for graphics are encouraged!