Rolling meeting notes
Rolling notes of all GORC-WG meetings, including RDA plenaries and our speaker series. Links to the slides and recording of each meeting is also included.
Martyr Doc
Summaries of our speaker series, methodology for model creation, and existing draft deliverables and outputs are documented here. It is expected that at least one narrative output will stem from the work captured in this document, as well as a final repo
TG Google Folder
Working and storage space for all documents relating to the task groups and their evaluations. Each TG has a folder which contains their meeting rolling notes, while the main folder contains documents capturing general TG notes and discussion points for GORC-WG consideration.
Zotero Collection of Documents to Review
GORC International Model WG Library
This library holds documentation we have encountered that may be relevant to deliverables and the deliverables of the GORC-IG.
Reviewing these documents and resources is an ongoing process that is happening in stages. Anything tagged as a “Key Resource” has been fully reviewed. Where possible, notes contain information on who added the document and if it has been reviewed.
Staging spreadsheet for documents to include in WG Library
Database Models and Data Entry Forms
- Draft UML
- ITO's initial draft Google Form, draft SurveyMonkey form and draft submission form documentation
- Karen's Prototype with automated updating and slide generation (parent folder)
- ITO's MySQL model for input data entered via prototype form.
- DB documentation file (in progress)
- 554 reads