IDW2023 / P21 recap and next steps

02 Nov 2023
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Hi folks,


For anyone who has been part of the WG for a while, you may recall that today was an important day in our timeline: November 2nd, 2023 was the END of our formal timeline, and marked the day that we would submit our supporting outputs for publication through RDA. I am very pleased to share that we were able to get ahead of our original deadline, and that both V1.0 of the model and the report are published on Zenodo as of October 25th, 2023. 


This was just in time for our RDA P21 session on October 26th, where we were able to showcase the supporting outputs from both the GORC IG and WG. Overall, folks were excited to see the model and thought that it would be very useful in various ways. We also discussed a number of suggestions for future work, in particular the desire for adoption cases (currently underway!), a formal GORC ontology (ARDC has agreed to help!), and application to the health research space as a discipline specific implementation profile (case statement currently being drafted!). I encourage you to check out the collaborative notes (and add your name now if you forgot during the session!) as well as my synopsis in our rolling notes.


There's still lots to do, and we anticipate at least one more WG will need to be created to tackle the tasks while some things will remain in the existing WG, namely adoption cases and possibly creating future versions of the model. Any new tasks or WGs will be affiliated with the GORC-WG and GORC-IG, so you will be able to stay up to date and decide what to work on through these channels. There won't be any serious new work until 2024, but you might see a call for feedback on case statements, to sign up for a new WG, or to sign up for new tasks over the next couple of months. We currently don't have any meetings scheduled, and we likely won't aim to have another WG meeting until 2024. One of our first orders of business in the new year will be to identify next steps that aren't already underway and their order of priority.


Note that we have a running list of future work projects in our martyr doc, and all of those are still up for consideration. Please feel free to add more ideas or email them to me at

