GORC-WG update and February meeting

11 Jan 2024

Hello everyone,

Firstly, happy new year! I hope that you all have taken some time to rest and recuperate this past holiday season and are meeting 2024 with gusto.

While our last official meeting was during RDA21 in October (when our V1.0 model and report were published!), the work has continued behind the scenes. In particular, we have been working with adopters of the GORC model to gain feedback and insight, both for new avenues of work as well as to resubmit the model as an RDA recommendation. To this end, while we do not have an official timeline for submission, we would like to have a GORC-WG meeting in February to hear from some of the model adopters. As previously done, we will meet on the fourth Thursday of the month, February 22nd, at 13:00 UTC. I hope that this time still works for many of you, but please note that all of our meetings are recorded and posted afterwards if you are not able to attend. I have created a google calendar item for this meeting as well and have added all members of the WG, but please let me know if you have not received an invite and believe you should have. I will send a reminder with meeting logistics a few days before the meeting as well, and we will meet on zoom.

Additionally, please let me know if you, your organization, or any of your colleagues and collaborators have adopted the model to help make decisions regarding research infrastructure. We would love to hear feedback and suggestions, even if you are not interested in being a formally recognized adopter of the model. We are using a flexible definition of “adoption” given the model is conceptual and isn’t as rigid as a standard. So far, the model has been used to structure funding proposals, guide strategic planning, and to find gaps in established commons. Note that there is a low-level adoption tool that may be used if desired.

Some other avenues of work for us have been to prepare for RDA22 (proposals are due February 13th!) and create a machine actionable vocabulary out of the model glossary (currently a demo, please test and let us know what you think!). We are also preparing to write additional publications about the model and the analyses done during its creation as well as submit proposals for new working groups under the GORC umbrella. I’ll share more as we confirm more, but please don’t hesitate to reach out if you ever have any questions or concerns about the GORC model and surrounding work, and especially if you would like to participate in specific tasks!
