RDA Data Discovery Paradigms IG Monthly Call: Wednesday June 21, 12pm UTC

19 Jun 2023
Groups audience: 

Dear all,

I hope that you are well.

This is a reminder that our next group call is this Wednesday 21 June, starting 12pm UTC. You can check your local time here.

After covering a few housekeeping details, the meeting will be a co-working session to further develop and add to the text in  the Ten Things for Data Discovery

Here is the agenda and notes for the monthly call, and the Zoom link which we will use: https://monash.zoom.us/j/92340379348?pwd=ZTNNQlpLZEw3Y2ZQZkY2VEVCbVNqUT09  (meeting ID: 923 4037 9348, password:546145).

Looking forward to seeing you then!

Best wishes,

Mingfang, Fotis and Kathleen