Gearing up for the Fourth Plenary

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08 May 2014

Gearing up for the Fourth Plenary

No time to rest…just a little over a month’s time since its 3rd Plenary Meeting, The Data Sharing Community: Playing ITS part in Dublin, the RDA is already preparing for its Fourth Plenary taking place 22-24 September 2014.  
Hosted at the De Meervaart Conference Centre, in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, the RDA Fourth Plenary meeting is organised alongside co-located events to bring together like-minded audiences in what will be a Research Data Week dedicated to “Reaping the fruits”. This Plenary meeting in Amsterdam will showcase the first concrete outputs from the RDA Working Groups.
Find out more about the Preliminary Programme and the co-located events!
The Fourth Plenary is co-organised by RDA, 3TU.Datacentrum, Research Data Netherlands, Netherlands eScience Center and the University of Amsterdam.
RDA is a community-powered organization, so help us build the conference programme by submitting an application for your group meeting. As with the proceedings in Dublin, over 70 outbreak sessions for WGs, IGs and BoFs will be provided. An online form is now available in each of the group areas. Login, access your group area and fill in the RDA Plenary4 Meeting Application form on the right side menu.

DEADLINE for submissions: 30th June 2014 at midnight CEST.

Big Data for International Scientific Programmes: Challenges and Opportunities
To anticipate discussions on a series of key topics and to further its collaboration with CODATA, ICSU and Chinese Academy of Sciences,  RDA co-sponsors "CODATA Workshop on Big Data for International Scientific Programmes: Challenges and Opportunities"  taking place in Beijing on 8-9 June 2014. Read more...