February Newsletter: New Recommendations, Groups, Members, Plenary Updates and more

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24 Feb 2022

February Newsletter: New Recommendations, Groups, Members, Plenary Updates and more

The InteroperAble Descriptions of Observable Property Terminologies (I-ADOPT) Working Group’s Recommendations now in Community Review

The I-ADOPT WG developed the I-ADOPT Framework aimed at harmonising the way observable properties are named and conceptualised, in various communities within and across scientific domains. Review the results of their extensive work and provide your comments by 3 March.

New RDA Groups

The Life Science Data Infrastructures Interest Group is a new group within RDA and is awaiting endorsement. Part of the endorsement process includes a Community Review of its Group Charter, which is taking place now through 10 March. Please take some time and review this Charter, which details the group’s goals and planned activities, and provide your feedback.

Call for Council Nominations 2022

The RDA 2022 Council Nominations Committee is seeking nominations for three open Council positions. To ensure balanced geographical representation, applications are being sought from the regions of “The Americas” and Oceania. The RDA Council maintains the vision of RDA, ensuring the guiding principles of the organisation are maintained, and responsible for its overall oversight, success, strategy, and sustainability. Nomination submissions must be submitted by 14 March 2022 at 23:59 UTC. Learn more.

Our Members: 

Farewell to Stefanie Kethers, RDA Secretariat Member

Stefanie Kethers, a longtime member of the RDA Secretariat, permanently left the Secretariat this past month to take up a new position within the Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC). Stefanie joined RDA at its very beginning, in 2013, and has been a driving force in supporting its operations and administration. As the Director of Operations for RDA, she has played an integral role in the development and implementation of many policies and procedures, provided fundamental support for the bi-annual plenaries and overall the construction of a strong RDA foundation. We thank Stefanie for her contributions and wish her the very best in her future endeavors. Read message from Hilary Hanahoe, RDA Secretary General.

New Organisational Member

RDA Welcomes TU Delft as its newest organisational member.  TU Delft has been actively participating in multiple interest and working groups of RDA for years, with TU Delft colleagues co-chairing several groups that have helped drive the development of various RDA deliverables of RDA. Learn more.

We see the involvement in RDA activities and co-creation with the international community as essential if we care about collaboration and re-use instead of reinventing the wheel. We believe that the global cooperation within RDA is paramount to the implementation of FAIR data internationally.

DRI Welcomes Announcement of Ireland's First National Budget to Advance Open Research Practices

Funding of €1.725 million has been designated from the from the Higher Education Authority and allocated to the Digital Repository of Ireland (DRI) to ramp up Ireland’s progress in implementing an open research ecosystem. This funding marks Ireland’s first national budget aimed at dramatically improving the pathways for sharing research and building transparent practices into the very fabric of scientific discovery. Read full press release.

TAB Member Spotlight

We are excited to bring back our TAB Member Spotlight to the newsletter. For this month, we spotlight Raphael Mendes de Oliveira Cóbe and Rossella Aversa.

Updates From: 

EOSC/RDA Open Calls Closing in March

Also, EOSC will be holding its 3rd RDA InfoShare on 9 March at 11.00 CET, which will focus on the ‘RDA working groups’ and ‘RDA communities of practice’ calls.  Learn more.  

Fellowship Applications now Open for Open Repositories 2022

The Open Repositories Steering Committee is now accepting applications for fellowships to attend OR2022 in Denver, Colorado, USA on June 6-9, 2022. The fellowship program allows a limited number of librarians, repository managers, developers, students, or researchers in digital libraries or related fields to participate in the conference. Learn more.

Plenary Updates: 

Plenary 19 and International Data Week 2022

At this time, the Call for Sessions for Plenary 19 closed this past weekend. Submissions are now being reviewed, with acceptance notifications planned to be sent out 24 March.


We also realize there are many questions regarding the format of Plenary 19, so to assist you with your planning, we thought it helpful to address some of them regarding the event:


Will Plenary 19 definitely be in person in South Korea and hybrid?
Yes, we are continuing to plan for a hybrid event, which will include an in-person element in Seoul, South Korea and a virtual element to accommodate those unable to travel to the event.


Will the session times during the meeting accommodate various time zones?

Sessions will take place between 23:30 - 9:30 UTC. These times may be favorable to some regions more than others for particular sessions, although as we can all attest to, this is a common element with all international meetings with a virtual component. View programme for more information.

For the in-person meeting, is there specific guidance we should refer to if we plan to travel to South Korea?
We encourage you to monitor your country’s own travel policies and visa requirements, as well as check with airlines and relevant ROK embassy/consulate in your home country. Please also monitor the following resources from South Korea:

When will registration open? What will be the costs? What is the cancellation policy?
Registration is planned to open in March. Registration costs are available here.

Will there be a poster session?
Yes! The Call for Posters recently opened for Plenary 19 and will close on 15 April.


For questions regarding the event, who can we contact?
Question on Plenary 19 and International Data Week can be sent to enquiries@rd-alliance.org.

SAVE THE DATE: International Data Week 2023: A Festival of Data, 23–26 October 2023, Salzburg, Austria

The International Science Council’s Committee on Data (CODATA) and World Data System (WDS), and RDA have announced  International Data Week 2023: A Festival of Data, taking place on 23–26 October 2023 in Salzburg, Austria. Learn more.


Recommendations & Outputs: 

RDA Adoption Story

In 2020, Indiana University was awarded a grant from the RDA US office used to implement RDA Recommendations developed in the PID Kernel Information, Data Type Registry and Data Fabric Working Groups. During a 6-month project timeframe, the team led by Principal Investigator Rob Quick, integrated SEAGrid with RPID testbed services to provide FAIR science workflows. The team focused on a specific use case from the Small Molecule Isolation Lattices (SMILES) Material Science project, which produced the data at the center of the RDA US adoption project, successfully applied RDA Recommendations. The SMILES project has since been funded by the National Science Foundation. While only a small part of the overall project hooked to cyberinfrastructure (most of it is Chemistry), this is a big win for the continuation of the work prototyped with the RDA Adoption project. It also means the RPID project will move from a testbed to production infrastructure.