Re: [rdawds_workflows_wg] AW: [rdawds_workflows_wg] Development of Data Publishing...

09 Nov 2015

Glad to hear that "PANGAEA is currently working on the definition of data
collection, so our group will be happy to contribute to some aspects."
Per the email earlier discussion this summer (as in the email chain below)
I think that it is important to explore the conceptual space that
distinguishes various aggregation and collection granularity ideas.
Some of the distinctions regarding aggregating data are pragmatic in that
they are based on the needs of users that are ongoing and routine or new.
So we routinely collect data from a sensor or family of sensors and know
these are of interest. I often hear this as a dataset. One distinction
that is possible is that a dataset is homogeneous in some way - by sensor
or time or location or data type.
And datasets, which are aggregations of data may themselves be
aggregated further in Collections. So you can collect data for multiple
years for example. Each year is a dataset but when you cross years (or
some defined time unit, then you have a collection.That's one possible
distinction, but not everyone makes it this way.
But datasets can be cut up in various ways however and combined with data
from other datasets into a new dataset...Or is that a collection? Maybe it
is a heterogeneous data set.
Gary Berg-Cross, Ph.D.
SOCoP Executive Secretary
Independent Consultant
Potomac, MD
On Sun, Nov 8, 2015 at 11:48 AM, suenjedt <***@***.***>

  • Ruth Duerr's picture

    Author: Ruth Duerr

    Date: 09 Nov, 2015

    Hi all,
    I’d like to call everyone’s attention to the following paper on this topic.
    Renear, A. H., Sacchi, S., & Wickett, K. M. (2010). Definitions of dataset in the scientific and technical literature. Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 47(1), 1–4.

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