Dear members of the RDA Data Granularity WG,
The summer and vacation time is coming to an end, and we will reconvene for another meeting of our group.
We recently received a reminder from the RDA that we are due to present the results of the working group early next year, so the big topic of this meeting is what we plan to achieve by then and how.
This is the agenda:
1. Welcome
2. Introductions
3. Chairs Update
* Podcast now published - see Episode 3 at
1. Recruit presentations for September and October meetings
2. Subgroup updates
* Use Cases
* Survey
* Constraints
1. Transitioning to the next phase of work in conjunction with timeline of next plenaries
* Phase 1: conclude end of October. Finalize sub-group work and prepare summary to present to rest of WG
* Phase 2: Nov to Feb. Draft guidance paper, complete analysis of sub-group work.
* Phase 3: March to May. Gather feedback from draft through wider circulation in the RDA community, including presentation at the RDA plenary in Sweden. After plenary, finalize and publish paper. Aim to hold a webinar in May.
* Post-WG: Follow up with adoptions, and present again at the International Data Week.
1. Other Business
I am looking forward to seeing many familiar faces.
All the best,
Brigitte (and Reyna and Katy)
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Author: Brigitte Mathiak
Date: 15 Dec, 2022
Dear members of the RDA Data Granularity WG,
The year is coming to an end. And we will have the long awaited talk by Graham Smith on granularity of genetics data. Here is the full agenda
1. Welcome, Chairs Update (if any)
2. Informal presentation on granularity (Graham Smith: genetics data)
3. Project planning overall
4. (Time permitting) Draft Guidance Document
a. Review and iteration of outline for RDA Data Granularity WG Guidance Outputs
b. Planning/task assignment/methods for drafting guidance document
1. Subgroup updates (if applicable)
2. Any Other Business
I am looking forward to seeing many familiar faces.
All the best,
Brigitte (and Reyna and Katy)