poster from LRZ for RDA-DE meeting

03 Feb 2020

Dear all,
(esp. Ville, James, Ralph)
we have soon the RDA-DE meeting (25-27 Feb) and poster deadline is
approaching at horrible pace ;) (Feb 11)
Now the plan would be that I carry a poster there with an overview of
LRZ's RDM activities.
-> We would also (if everyone agrees, and no one else presents RDARI)
include a little box about RDARI in that poster (about 1/10 of poster),
maybe (James?) with a description and first results of the Survey?
-- if no one else is already planning to do that (Ralph?).
What do you think?
PS: In Abstract I'm very neutrally writing:

  • Ville Tenhunen's picture

    Author: Ville Tenhunen

    Date: 03 Feb, 2020

    Hi Stephan, all,
    I think this ok. Have I undestood right that James has some poster
    activities concerning RDA P15? If so, you perhaps need some coordination...
    I think it does not matter if there is some repetition.
    On 03/02/2020 12:13, StephanHachinger via Research Data Architectures in

  • James Wilson's picture

    Author: James Wilson

    Date: 03 Feb, 2020

    Hi Stephan et al.,
    As it happens I have put together a poster publicizing the results of the RDARI survey for the IDCC 2020 conference in Dublin. You are welcome to take and re-use any or all of it. The charts and graphs are very much at the 'quick summary' level - I've not had the chance to really drill down into the data yet. The data can be found at
    I'll send the poster file separately so as not to clog up everyone's in-boxes with big files, but happy to share with anyone who is interested, and will publish shortly under CC0...
    Dr James A J Wilson
    Head of Research Data Services
    Research IT Services
    Information Services Division, UCL.
    1-19 Torrington Place, London. WC1E 7HB
    Tel. 020 3549 5068 (internal: 65068)
    Email: ***@***.***
    -----Original Message-----
    From: ***@***.*** <***@***.***>
    Sent: 03 February 2020 10:51
    To: ***@***.***
    Subject: Re: [rda-rdari] poster from LRZ for RDA-DE meeting
    Hi Stephan, all,
    I think this ok. Have I undestood right that James has some poster activities concerning RDA P15? If so, you perhaps need some coordination...
    I think it does not matter if there is some repetition.

  • Stephan Hachinger's picture

    Author: Stephan Hachinger

    Date: 03 Feb, 2020

    Hi James
    super good :) I'll let u know what I put together :)
    On Mon, 3 Feb 2020 11:29:43 +0000
    "Wilson, James" <***@***.***> wrote:

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