Re: [harmonizing-fair] Telco: Harmonze FAIR descriptions of observational data today...

  • Øystein Godøy's picture

    Author: Øystein Godøy

    Date: 09 Mar, 2019

    On Tue, 2019-03-05 at 10:43 +0000, javadch wrote:
    > I liked this one " Variable Interoperability Group"
    First, sorry I wasn't able to attend the last meeting. Concerning name
    for the group, I am actually quite happy with the existing one,
    although a bit lengthy. For what it is worth, I am a bit reluctant to
    include the word variable or parameter without explicitly stating that
    this is about descriptions. Interoperability of variables/parameters is
    more to me.
    All the best
    Dr. Øystein Godøy
    Norwegian Meteorological Institute
    P.O.BOX 43, Blindern, N-0313 OSLO, Norway
    Ph: (+47) 9802 4433
    First, sorry I wasn't able to attend the last meeting. Concerning name
    for the group, I am actually quite happy with the existing one,
    although a bit lengthy. For what it is worth, I am a bit reluctant to
    include the word variable or parameter without explicitly stating that
    this is about descriptions. Interoperability of variables/parameters is
    more to me.
    All the best
    Dr. Øystein Godøy
    Norwegian Meteorological Institute
    P.O.BOX 43, Blindern, N-0313 OSLO, Norway
    Ph: (+47) 9802 4433

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