Call for Nominations: Research Data Alliance Council Members
The Organizing Group* of the Research Data Alliance Colloquium (RDA-C) is planning to appoint the final two members to the Research Data Alliance (RDA) Council in January, 2014, and is seeking input from the RDA Community. Specifically, members of the community are encouraged to submit names for the two remaining open positions no later than February 3, 2014.
These final two appointments will meet the original goal of nine members on the initial council set at the time of the RDA launch. Future RDA Council nominees will proceed in full accordance with RDA governance documents.
As documented on the RDA website, the Research Data Alliance (RDA) builds the social and technical bridges that enable open sharing of data across borders and among disciplines. The Council is responsible for the overall oversight, success, strategy, and sustainability of the RDA. The Council’s responsibilities also include approval of candidate Working Groups to ensure alignment with RDA goals.
Council members are expected to be “statespersons” committed to supporting the aims of the RDA rather than promoting special interests, domains or disciplines.
Council members should be recognized experts in domains such as physical, engineering, medical, or biological science, social science and the humanities. Since RDA is an international organization, it is important that the Council also reflect gender and ethnic diversity.
Nominations should be sent to the attention of Carlos Morais-Pires (Carlos.Morais-Pires[at] no later than February 3, 2014. Nominations should include the candidate’s name, current position, and email address. Each nomination should also include a short paragraph (less than ½ page) on why this person is being nominated and how they will be able to contribute to the Council and the Research Data Alliance.
*RDA-C Organizing Group:
- Australian Government: Research and Strategy, Department of Education
- 7th Framework Program, European Commission, Europe
- Advanced Cyberinfrastructure Division, National Science Foundation, US
- National Institute of Standards and Technology, US
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