Croatian RDA event "Research Data - what to do with them?", 27 February
On February 27, 2020, the first Croatian RDA event named "Research Data - what to do with them?", was held at the University of Rijeka Convention Center, organized by the SRCE – University of Zagreb, University Computing Centre (Croatian national RDA node) and the University Library Rijeka. In the event participated 32 researchers and librarians from various institutions and universities. The event was divided into three sessions where researchers and librarians become more acquainted with topics related to research data management covering advantages of research data sharing, examples of best practices in RDM, FAIR data principles, data licensing, RDA outputs that can help librarians to engage with research data (23 Things: Libraries for Research Data and the book Engaging Researchers with Data Management: The Cookbook), and repository certification (CoreTrustSeal).
One of the presenters was Lovorka Barač Lauc from the Croatian Science Foundation who gave an interesting presentation for Croatian researchers. She shared with participants the exclusive information about introducing mandatory Data Management Plans (DMP) as part of a project application from the next funding cycle in November 2020. She noted that the DMP will consist of four parts covering data collection and documentation, ethics, legal and security issues, data storage and preservation, and data sharing and reuse of data. She stressed that the DMP is a "living" document that will be constantly modified and updated throughout the project, while the final version of DMP will be submitted after a project is finished.
The last part of the event featured a demonstration of the dataset ingest on the national repository infrastructure Digital Academic Archives and Repositories (DABAR). DABAR is used by more than 130 higher education and research institutions in Croatia as a repository solution for preserving and sharing various digital objects produced by the institutions and their employees. Participants had the opportunity to see what steps and information they have to make in their institution's repositories in order to successfully complete the ingest and publish their research data.
The next RDA events in Croatia will be held in a form of webinars during April 2020. All information about upcoming webinars will be announced on the following link: