7th WG/IG Collaboration Meeting, 12 - 14 June 2017, Gothenburg, Sweden
The next (7th) WG/IG Collaboration Meeting will be held on June 12-14 and will be hosted by Gothenburg University in Gothenburg Sweden, site of the very first RDA Plenary. As discussed at the last WG/IG Collaboration Meeting and, subsequently, on the Chairs mail list, this version will be extended to three days as opposed to the usual two, starting the afternoon of the 12th and ending at noon on the 14th, followed by an optional half-day side meeting on the topic of commercial views on data sharing.
For those of you who are new to these meetings they were started to provide a forum for tighter interaction among the Working Groups, and now Interest Groups as well, than is possible at the wonderfully busy and crowded Plenaries. The extra day was added in an effort to go beyond information exchange, looking more strategically at Group activities, and to better balance the meeting time to travel time ratio for those crossing oceans. Presenters will be asked to identify gaps in their work and across the Groups of which they are aware, although as usual the agenda will be flexible and will depend to a degree on the attendees. We will evaluate the success of the longer meeting at its conclusion. More details, including registration instructions, are available at the meeting-specific page.