6th RDA WG/IG Collaboration Meeting, 12-13 December 2016, Gaithersburg, Maryland, US

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13 Dec 2016 UTC

6th RDA WG/IG Collaboration Meeting, 12-13 December 2016, Gaithersburg, Maryland, US

13 Dec 2016 to 14 Dec 2016

As mentioned at the Denver Plenary and at the Nottingham Chairs' meeting, the next (6th) WG/IG Collaboration Meeting will be held on Dec 12-13 at NIST in Gaithersburg, Maryland, which was the site of the 2nd and 4th meetings.

The suggested theme of this meeting is 'Assembling the Pieces: Connecting Outputs with Each Other and with Domain Adoption', although as usual the agenda will be flexible and will depend to a degree on the attendees.

For those of you who are new to these meetings they were started to provide a forum for tighter interaction among the Working Groups, and now Interest Groups as well, than is possible at the wonderfully busy and crowded Plenaries. 

More details, including registration instructions, are available at the meeting-specific page.